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Learning Time Management Skills

Learning time management skills has never been easier. I've summarized the best and most popular books, cds, etc. for you.

As I mentioned on the Importance of Time Management page, learning time management skills is invaluable for some many reasons.

Instead of wasting your time repeating what's on the other pages, let's just jump right in.

By now you've probably seen, or at least heard about, Randy Pausch's incredibly inspiring last lecture video. Randy gave us all a gift.

As amazing as his "last lecture" was, Randy said his time management lecture was what he thought he would be famous for at the end of his career.  In this video, Randy does an outstanding job of doing what he does: inspiring all of us.

This video serves as a fantastic reminder of why learning time management skills is so important: more time for the things that are important to us.

Since being published in 2001, David Allen's Getting Things Done became a national bestseller. Thousands of people have improved their lives by learning the time management skills in "GTD."

I put together a page about David and his background, and some thoughts on why GTD became such a phenomenon.

Although Tony Robbins is probably best known as the late night infomercial king, or the motivational guy with big teeth, he developed a fantastic time management system known as RPM:  The Rapid Planning Method.

Tony made a great point in that time management systems aren't about a planner, or a software package, or a blackberry. It's not the tools that matter; instead, it's the thinking process that makes the difference.

Tony created a program called the Time of Your Life. In my opinion, going through the Time of Your Life program is one of the absolute best ways of learning time management skills.

No discussion on Time Management would be complete without mentioning Stephen Covey, and his company, FranklinCovey. Covey is unique in proposing principle based time management. Similar to Tony Robbins, Covey suggests a common sense principle: you can't know what to do at any given time until you know what's most important to you.

He presents a great example of how using principle based planning helps you best fit things into your life.

Finally, if you're really serious about learning time management skills, you may want to consider taking a seminar. There's lots of advantages to taking a seminar:
  1. Seminars spend time doing, not just thinking. Instead of just reading about concepts, you do them...And doing is knowing.
  2. You're free from distractions. You have a chance to turn off your phone, disconnect from email for a while, get away from all of your to-do lists, and spend un-interrupted time actually focused on learning.
  3. You get the information much more quickly. Being in a seminar for a weekend, or just a day, you can get the same amount of information that would take weeks or months at home reading a chapter at a time, or listening to a cd at a time.
  4. You meet like-kinded people. Going to a seminar gives you great networking opportunities.

There are several seminars out there that will help you do not only learn the information, but to take on the hardest task: doing it. 

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