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Time Management Techniques

Here are my favorite time management techniques. You won't find a bunch of useless clichés....Just things you can start doing right now that will make a difference in your life.

As you enjoy learning and using these tips and techniques, please share the time management techniques that work best for you. We'd love to hear from you....simply go to our Contact Us page.

You found the perfect place to start if you're not quite ready for a full time-management system, such as David Allens Getting Things Done (GTD) or Tony Robbins Rapid Planning Method (RPM). Simply pick a technique from the list, and start using it right now. Use it consistently for at least two weeks, until it starts becoming a habit.

What then? Come back for another one.

You'll probably think that some of these seem simplistic, or are common sense. That's actually a great thing, isn't it?

Would you rather spend lots of your time learning a bunch of incredibly complex tools and systems, or instead put into place some simple, common sense techniques that actually work, and can immediately make a difference in your life?

I thought so....simple and common sense wins every time.

Although these aren't in any particular order, three of these time management techniques stand out above all the rest, so I'd suggest starting here:

Focus on What You Want


20% of The Things You Do Give you
80% of the Results You Get

Once you've spent at least a couple of weeks consistently on each of these first three, come back here and start using another technique. And remember.....

Don't try to be perfect

If you start working with one of these techniques, and you're not consistent with it, no problem...start again.....and again.....and again....until you make it part of your life.

I promise you that as you use these techniques consistently, you will see improvements. They may be small at first, but they will be there. And small changes start to

Snowball Effect


I'm sharing these with you so you'll enjoy more productivity, more fulfillment and less stress.

Remember why you're here and what all of this is really about anyway:

Having more time for the things that are important to you.

Here are the rest:

Please share the time management techniques that work best for you, and I'll add them to the list for everyone's benefit. Think of it as "paying it forward".

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