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Time Management and Stress

Time management and stress go hand in hand. Reducing stress is one of the most important reasons for learning and using time management techniques and a time management system such as David Allens GTD or Tony Robbins RPM.

How does this relate to reducing stress?

It doesn't matter if you're a CEO, have a really important career as a mom, or are an entrepreneur or a student. Just about everyone has more coming at them then they can easily handle without having time management techniques, a sytem to keep track of it all (see the GTD & RPM pages, and specific strategies for their circumstances.

Before we get into time management and stress, let's stop and remember the importance of time management in the first place:

More time for the things that are important to you.

Can you remember a time when you were really stressed? Can you remember a specific time? One of those days when your to do list seemed like it had a hundred and one things on it, and it kept getting longer?

How motivated were you to focus on the important things in your life in that moment, like really connecting with your family and friends, or planning out a new project, or eating something healthy and nutritious? If you're like most people, you were looking to escape from the stress.

Instead of connecting with your family and friends on a deep level, were you too focused on the things you thought you had to do in that moment? Planning a new project was probably the last thing you wanted to do, since it just adds one more thing to your to do list - even though up front planning will actually reduce your stress long-term.

Time Management and Stress Comfort FoodsAnd of course we trade in the foods we know we need to eat if we want to stay healthy for our favorite comfort foods.....

Instead of doing the things that we know are going to benefit us in the long term, we do things just to escape from the stress....The paradox is that most of the things we do to escape end up creating more stress long term: health, finances, relationships.

Even the Mayo clinic, one of the top medical facilities in the world, states "Effective time management is a primary means to a less stressful life. These practices can help you reduce your stress and reclaim your personal life," in a brief article they posted on their site.

Are you starting the see the importance of time management, and the link between time management and stress?

If you are, you've found the right place. The techniques, GTD & RPM systems, and specific strategies are all proven, and if you use them consistently will help you:

  1. Reduce Stress

  2. Have more time for the things that are important to you

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